Futurecity were commissioned by Hutchison Whampoa to lead the cultural strategy phase of the redevelopment of Convoys Wharf. With its river frontage, the incredible Olympia Building, & Deptford’s heritage as a world leader in radical ideas, world trade and new technologies, Futurecity encouraged the client to believe that Convoys Wharf could add vitality to London’s cultural DNA, embedding the area’s multiple histories and contemporary creative community at every level of development.
The Convoy’s Wharf Cultural Strategy brings together each element of the public realm and binds it all into one strategic approach. It develops the ‘theatre’ of public realm, a culture and business partnership, private and public partnerships and the opportunity to influence permanent and temporary works on site. It puts forward an approach that offers an unconventional, unique and more visually interesting alternative to the traditional menu of urban street furniture. It took its inspiration from long history of the site and applied it across the site.