Futurecity invites you to the Private View of
‘Anthony Luvera: Taking Place‘ at The Gallery at Foyles

Curated by Futurecity
In partnership with The Museum of Homelessness

Monday, 13 January 2020
18:30 to 20:30 (BST)
at The Gallery at Foyles
5th Floor, Foyles Bookshop
107 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0EB

RSVP: via EventBrite

From 13th Jan – 29th Feb 2020, Anthony LuveraTaking Place, exhibits two bodies of work: Photographs from Assembly (2013 – 2014) and responses from Frequently Asked Questions (2014 – ongoing). Luvera has collaborated with individuals who have experienced homelessness in cities and towns across the UK for over fifteen years. In places such as Belfast, Brighton, Colchester, and in boroughs all over London, he has worked with hundreds of people, and through this process collated thousands of photographs, videos, sound recordings and texts, created with or by participants. These works tell stories about individual experiences, and the systems and services that shape people’s everyday lives. Frequently Asked Questions  invites viewers to consider the narratives and dimensions that can be shared through a collaborative approach to creating art. 

Read more about the exhibition here.

Join the conversation: #AnthonyLuvera #Assembly #FrequentlyAskedQuestions #TheGalleryatFoyles
Twitter, Instagram: @Anthony_Luvera @our_MoH @futurecityblog
The Gallery at Foyles: https://www.galleryatfoyles.com