“Cities, their economy and personality, are changing fast. Work and life is being transformed by the digital economy, globalisation and automation. Croydon has all of the places, people, creativity and innovation of this new world.”
Mark Davy, Founder of Futurecity.
Futurecity worked with Croydon to excavate and collate all of its fantastic people and place assets that have been part of its cultural, social and physical regeneration over recent years. These include:
Croydon Creative Campus is about buildings, spaces, places, and outstanding contemporary environments that’ll excite learners from across the world, as well as Thornton Heath, Westminster and swathes of Southern England.
But Croydon Creative Campus is also about networks, touchpoints, sensors and bots – a place in which content is drawn from elsewhere, some spaces are treated as programmable places full of options, almost widgets, and there is a whole layer to Croydon, akin to the ambient beat running through its Music City veins, that is mobile, interactive and devoted in an open, available, democratic way to developing and delivering new generations of lifelong learners.