We are in a moment in time when much is changing. Groups of artists have a much bigger reach, they are involved in conversations around nature and sustainability and technology, and all these artists care very much about how art can be part of people’s lives, moving nature into the built environment, and seeing how nature can be incorporated into modern life.

Mollie Dent-Brocklehurst

Great article on Lux Magazine with Mollie Dent-Brocklehurst, Co-Founder of FuturePace, speaking about the merging of art & technology fields, and the FuturePace cultural partnership between Futurecity and Pace, that combines the gallery and curatorial expertise of Pace Worldwide with the cultural strategy, project delivery and placemaking experience of Futurecity.

Read the full story here: https://www.lux-mag.com/mollie-dent-brocklehurst-art-technology-revolution/

Cover image: teamLab digital art installation ‘The Infinite Crystal Universe’