‘Anthony Luvera: Takin Place’ is curated by Futurecity, in association with the Museum of Homelessness, at The Gallery at Foyles, 107 Charing Cross Rd, London. On view until 29 February 2020.
A Day of Talks on Homelessness and Housing Justice
The Auditorium at Foyles Bookshop
27 February 2020, 9:30-17:30
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Hosted by Anthony Luvera, with Futurecity Curator Chloe Stagaman moderating one of the talks, the event will bring together a range of speakers, including artists, activists, academics, and people working in the homelessness support and housing sector, to discuss and better understand the issues our society currently faces when dealing with homelessness, housing precarity, and housing justice.
Speakers include:
Matt and Jess Turtle, Co-Founders, Museum of Homelessness
Prof. Nicholas Crowson, Professor of Contemporary British History, University of Birmingham
Amy McDonnell, Curator, Researcher and Campaigner
Samir Jeraj, Co-author of the Rent Trap and Journalist at The New Statesman
Bekki Perriman, Artist
Cllr. Diarmaid Ward, Executive Member, Housing and Development, Islington Council
Dr. Owen Clayton, Senior Lecturer, School of English and Journalism, University of Lincoln
David Thomas, Legal Officer, Brighton and Hove Housing Coalition
Dr. Sara Ketteley, Consultant Psychiatrist, Great Chapel Street Medical Centre
Paul Atherton, Film and TV Director, Artist and Campaigner
Eilidh Morrissey, Communications and Engagement Specialist, Centre for Homelessness Impact
Guillermo Rodriguez, Head of Evidence and Data, Centre for Homelessness Impact
Brian Beaton, Programme and Employment Manager, The House of St Barnabas
Chloe Stagaman, Curator, Futurecity
David Woolley, Westminster Integrated Care Network Navigator
Anthony Luvera, Artist, Coventry University Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities
Sharon Clint, Homeless Health Peer Advocacy Project Manager, Groundswell
Peter C. Mitchell, Author and Journalist
A Performance by the Choir With No Name
The Gallery at Foyles
27 February 2020, 18:30-19:00
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Later in the evening, The Gallery at Foyles will host a performance by the Choir With No Name, one of London’s leading choirs for homeless and marginalised people. Join us for a beautiful evening of music that’s sure to be an enjoyable and ear-opening event.
Curator Chloe Stagaman in conversation with artist Anthony Luvera on the 11 January 2020
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