Futurecity’s core team and associates have been contributing to the discourse of cultural investment in the property sector, across topics of placemaking, identity, investment in Brexit-environment, being the best start-up ready city, monumental public art and the future of high streets.

Highlights Include

18 September | REVO: Mark Davy delivered a keynote, “The Ever and Never Changing: What Will Future Consumers Want from Place?”
14-15 October | MIPIM UK Summit: “Brexit Resilience,” moderated by Mark Davy, and “Cultural infrastructure and Placemaking” panellist Sherry Dobbin;  “Finding Britain’s Best Start-up City,” moderated by Ali Hossaini; and “The Cambridge & Oxford Arc,” moderated by David Barrie. 
17 October | Pentagram London: Mark Davy delivered a talk reviewing 12 years of Futurecity and a life in the arts.
23 October | Launch of ULI publication “Including Culture in Development Guide” at London City Hall, with Sherry Dobbin as panellist.
29 October | Capital West London Growth Summit “Investing in Creativity”; Sherry Dobbin’s remarks on preserving West London’s cultural identity featured in fDi Intelligence.
7 November | Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair: “Culture, Class and Identity,” moderation and summary by Sherry Dobbin, Andy Robinson, Chris Murphy and Diana Juris.

Publications & Blogs

Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair Seminar Notes

Futurecity collated the summary document for the 7 November seminar, as a component of the Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair. The Chair, Matt Bell convened over 50 individuals from different disciplines – artists, politicians, residents, developers and community organisers- to discuss how development can build a common sense of belonging, and what needs to change. 

Four key approaches were collectively identified from the ‘How do you create a shared identity?’:

MIPIM UK Summit Blogs

For more insights from the MIPIM talks, you can read these blogs posts from Sherry Dobbin on “How can new developments in cultural infrastructure and placemaking shape the future of UK cities?” here, and Mark Davy’s “12 Observations on Changes in the Business Sector” here.


Sherry Dobbin was a key contributor to The Urban Land Institute UK Urban Art Forum’s new publication, “Including Culture in Development – A Step by Step Guide,” launched 23 October at London City Hall. Download a free onscreen copy or order here.