18th September
Exhibition Centre Liverpool (map)

Futurecity Founder & CEO Mark Davy will be joining the REVO 2019 panel “The ever and never changing. What will future consumers want from place?” alongside Chair, Jessica Middleton-Pugh, Editor at Place North West; John Badman, Director at CallisonRTKL; Rebecca Taylor, Managing Director for BtR, Long Harbour; Justin Taylor, Co-Founder at P-Three.

The session will explore the idea of new generation developments. How is the retail community reinventing itself in a period of exponential change? Which is undeniably being driven by the third revolution – technology and the new, immersive consumer relationship with it.

Revo Liverpool is the UK’s largest gathering of people and businesses, with attendees from 1000+ influential companies, 500+ occupier individuals, representing 240+ different brands. Together they create, deliver & operate great places to live, work, shop, eat and be entertained.

Join the conversation using the hashtag #crtklthinkers 
Session supported by: CallisonRTKL