For 15 years Futurecity has been developing placemaking strategies that encourage our clients to bring artists and creatives into their projects as early as possible. An extension of this idea had been the use of commercial space for creative purposes, from artist studios and gallery space to rehearsal and dance space, design studios, creative labs and workshops. During 2021 Futurecity used the experience of our earlier projects to develop a new ‘PREVIEW Programme’, which took the idea of temporary cultural space as ‘Living Labs’ used to seed long term ideas and investment in the arts by clients as part of the placemaking strategy.
Below are three PREVIEW projects that have taken this approach. Read on for a snapshot of the cultural incubators in detail.

PREVIEW: 72 Upper Ground
Southbank, London
Commissioned by Mitsubishi Estate & CO-RE
PREVIEW was a creative industries focused meanwhile programme for the proposed new office building on London’s Southbank at 72 Upper Ground. Futurecity implemented a 6-month (January – June 2021) programme, designed to use office space in the existing former ITV Tower. The programme supported Lambeth cultural organisations, showcasing creative businesses, organisations, and projects. The ‘Living Lab’ idea behind PREVIEW explored opportunities for the imaginative use of arts and cultural projects in the new building.
Futurecity brought Black Cultural Archives, Young Creators UK, and Iconic Steps into the building to develop their own practices and to join workshops with MAKE Architects and Grant Associates (landscape architects) to influence decision on cultural space, use of arts and crafts and cultural activity in the new building. Futurecity developed the Cultural Strategy and a set of placemaking principles for the new building and proposals for the new London Studios.
The opportunity of working on the site, helped the PREVIEW partners with studio, working and programming space, during the pandemic. As a result, YCUK grew from their previous single room office in Brixton, to create a fantastic multi-use facility that supported over 60 young people to create commercial work, develop skills, and gain confidence in the sector.
Read more here.

Image: Raeburn E20, photo by Ben Broomfield
PREVIEW: The Lab E20
East Village, London
Commissioned by Get Living
The Lab E20 was developed by Futurecity as part of the East Village Cultural Strategy commissioned by Get Living and launched in July 2021. A double height commercial ground-floor space was converted into a showcase for a six-month cultural programme co-created with Get Living’s programme partners – British Fashion Council, Raeburn Design, The Sustainable Angle, Loanhood, D Lab, Fashion Revolution and The Fashion District, London.
This highly successful programme is designed to lay the foundations for East Village to become the residential and commercial hub to the areas Innovation District, part of London’s new Fashion District and connected to the cultural ambition of East Bank. The high-profile programme has seen residents and the wider community participate in talks, events, workshops, and exhibitions. It is the first completed project from Futurecity’s cultural Placemaking strategy for East Village (formerly the Athletes Village) in Stratford, London.
Read more here.

PREVIEW: Creative BasildON
Basildon, Essex
Commissioned by Basildon Town Centre Management Company (BTCM)
In 2018 Futurecity wrote a cultural strategy BasildON designed to re-invigorate and switch-on the cultural energy of Basildon Town Centre in Essex. We worked with arts agency Things Made Public, to develop the strategy into a ground-breaking ‘PREVIEW’ programme, a series of cultural projects designed to animate and reinvigorate retail space and showcase the cultural and community energy of the town.
Local and international artists worked with communities to create a series of imaginative and impactful events using street art, photography, film, music, street art, art, and play, merging traditional skills with creative technologies. Funding came from a £1.2M grant from Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places Programme. The programme has now led to Basildon being awarded one of 54 Preferred Places.
Read more here.
Find out more about Futurecity’s Cultural Placemaking Strategies here.
Image credits:
1. Network and Chill Event at ITV Tower – Courtesy of Young Creators UK
2. Raeburn at the Lab E20, photo by Ben Broomfield
3. Credit: T.I.M.E (Therapy In Music Education) and Strange Pill
Culture to the Rescue in 2021 - Part II: Cultural Incubators
For 15 years Futurecity has been developing placemaking strategies that encourage our clients to bring artists and creatives into their projects as early as possible. An extension of this idea had been the use of commercial space for creative purposes, from artist studios and gallery space to rehearsal and dance space, design studios, creative labs and workshops. During 2021 Futurecity used the experience of our earlier projects to develop a new ‘PREVIEW Programme’, which took the idea of temporary cultural space as ‘Living Labs’ used to seed long term ideas and investment in the arts by clients as part of the placemaking strategy.
Below are three PREVIEW projects that have taken this approach. Read on for a snapshot of the cultural incubators in detail.
PREVIEW: 72 Upper Ground
Southbank, London
Commissioned by Mitsubishi Estate & CO-RE
PREVIEW was a creative industries focused meanwhile programme for the proposed new office building on London’s Southbank at 72 Upper Ground. Futurecity implemented a 6-month (January – June 2021) programme, designed to use office space in the existing former ITV Tower. The programme supported Lambeth cultural organisations, showcasing creative businesses, organisations, and projects. The ‘Living Lab’ idea behind PREVIEW explored opportunities for the imaginative use of arts and cultural projects in the new building.
Futurecity brought Black Cultural Archives, Young Creators UK, and Iconic Steps into the building to develop their own practices and to join workshops with MAKE Architects and Grant Associates (landscape architects) to influence decision on cultural space, use of arts and crafts and cultural activity in the new building. Futurecity developed the Cultural Strategy and a set of placemaking principles for the new building and proposals for the new London Studios.
The opportunity of working on the site, helped the PREVIEW partners with studio, working and programming space, during the pandemic. As a result, YCUK grew from their previous single room office in Brixton, to create a fantastic multi-use facility that supported over 60 young people to create commercial work, develop skills, and gain confidence in the sector.
Read more here.
Image: Raeburn E20, photo by Ben Broomfield
PREVIEW: The Lab E20
East Village, London
Commissioned by Get Living
The Lab E20 was developed by Futurecity as part of the East Village Cultural Strategy commissioned by Get Living and launched in July 2021. A double height commercial ground-floor space was converted into a showcase for a six-month cultural programme co-created with Get Living’s programme partners – British Fashion Council, Raeburn Design, The Sustainable Angle, Loanhood, D Lab, Fashion Revolution and The Fashion District, London.
This highly successful programme is designed to lay the foundations for East Village to become the residential and commercial hub to the areas Innovation District, part of London’s new Fashion District and connected to the cultural ambition of East Bank. The high-profile programme has seen residents and the wider community participate in talks, events, workshops, and exhibitions. It is the first completed project from Futurecity’s cultural Placemaking strategy for East Village (formerly the Athletes Village) in Stratford, London.
Read more here.
PREVIEW: Creative BasildON
Basildon, Essex
Commissioned by Basildon Town Centre Management Company (BTCM)
In 2018 Futurecity wrote a cultural strategy BasildON designed to re-invigorate and switch-on the cultural energy of Basildon Town Centre in Essex. We worked with arts agency Things Made Public, to develop the strategy into a ground-breaking ‘PREVIEW’ programme, a series of cultural projects designed to animate and reinvigorate retail space and showcase the cultural and community energy of the town.
Local and international artists worked with communities to create a series of imaginative and impactful events using street art, photography, film, music, street art, art, and play, merging traditional skills with creative technologies. Funding came from a £1.2M grant from Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places Programme. The programme has now led to Basildon being awarded one of 54 Preferred Places.
Read more here.
Find out more about Futurecity’s Cultural Placemaking Strategies here.
Image credits:
1. Network and Chill Event at ITV Tower – Courtesy of Young Creators UK
2. Raeburn at the Lab E20, photo by Ben Broomfield
3. Credit: T.I.M.E (Therapy In Music Education) and Strange Pill